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Krista Connolly

Homeopath & Bowen Therapist

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Krista Connolly

Homeopath & Bowen Therapist

What Is Bowen



In Bowen, gentle moves are applied to muscles and tissues at spaced time intervals. Neurological impulses created by these specific moves send messages to the brain to “reset” the area and to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons.

In Bowen, gentle moves are applied to muscles and tissues at spaced time intervals. Neurological impulses created by these specific moves send messages to the brain to “reset” the area and to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons.

 The Bowen technique affects the body primarily through the nervous and the bioenergetic systems, bringing it into a state of balance effectively and always painlessly.

This gentle, non-intrusive method to stimulate the body’s own ability to heal itself reflects the “less is more” principal of homeopathy. As with homeopathy, the healing comes from inside, and thus the balance achieved is always deeper and often life-changing.

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Symptoms of illness and disease are signs of an activated immune system. Allopathic medicine works by suppressing symptoms until the condition subsides and the disease is pushed deeper into the economy of the individual. Homeopathy incites the body to fight harder in the same direction the disease is already going thus stimulating the body to finish the natural disease which results in cure.

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There are approximately 2,000 remedies at the homeopaths disposal, the majority of which come from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. They are diluted and pounded and shaken (a process called succusion) to create a more refined and gentle medicine so as to cause no harm. There are many different potencies which can be employed at the homeopath's discretion.
These remedies have been 'proven' by a very rigorous experimental process. The remedies are given to healthy individuals and the symptoms they cause in the individuals are then recorded very carefully taking into account all parts of their being from the mind, emotion and will to their appetite and skin. These provings are then carefully studied to discover what sorts of disease pictures or symptom constellations they produce so as to apply it to a suffering individual with the same or similar symptoms.
Giving remedy this way stimulates the system to fight to overcome the disease. We also use literature on cured cases with these substances to study and use clinically. If you would like to study more about the history of homeopathy please refer to the links on the links page

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